CPV Codes

The Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) is the uniform classification system in Europe for public procurement.

Details worth knowing about the CPV nomenclature

The CPV codes create a uniform classification for public contracts in the EU. The subject of the order is thus described in a common nomenclature and applies to all countries of the European Union.

Consisting of a main part and an additional part, the following code structure forms the CPV classifications:

The main part describes the subject of the contract. It consists of eight digits and a check digit and defines the type of construction work, services or deliveries of the subject matter of the contract. These digits are read as follows:

  • The first two digits define the departments
  • The first three in combination designate the groups
  • The first four digits together provide information about the classes
  • The first five digits describe the category
  • The last three digits give further details about the individual categories. The last digit of the code is the previously mentioned check digit.

The use of the CPV code is prescribed by the European Union for use in public procurement from the EU threshold values. Many e-procurement and advertising platforms are also based on the CPV code below the EU threshold values.

The common vocabulary is a list of services and delivery items, each of which is assigned a unique key (CPV number or CPV code).